Revealing the launch date of the top racing game World Rally Championship 8 Frame rate affects the speed of fire and recoil of the gun in PUBG Waiting for years but eventually Metro Exodus has made the Steam gaming community disappointed. Metro Exodus will only be released on Epic Games Store and will not be released at any other store on February 15, revealed by Epic and publisher Deep Silver today. Also earlier this month, The Division 2 game will also be released on the Epic Store but is part of a multi-game contract with Ubisoft. If you have reserved a game on Steam, you will still be able to play on it. To this end, Epic had a statement to reassure fans that: "Any customer who has pre-ordered the Metro Exodus game on PC through any electronics retailer will receive exactly what they want. ” Currently you can still reserve on Steam, but this will not last long. A note attached to the announcement said: "Today, the sale of Metro Exodus game on Steam will be ...